It’s actually an asset to have such a finely-tuned vehicle (your body-mind-energy system). In order for it to work FOR you, it is important to listen to it, care for it, have good boundaries and learn how to use your intuitive, empathic gifts. Wondering how to do that? Here are some tools we like:
- Energy Medicine: gather yourself and strengthen your boundaries. Check out Kathryn Brewer’s blog to see her favorites from the Energy Medicine Kit by Donna Eden.
- Salt Water: Make a salt water spritzer using Himalayan Sea Salt. Use it several times a day, especially anytime you start to feel overwhelmed.
- Water: get in it! We are both big fans of baths, jacuzzi’s, creeks, walks along the beach, showers; even sitting and looking at water.
- Listen: When you take the time to pay attention, your skills improve. Nurture your abilities through meditation and relaxation.
- Learn about your gifts by reading or attending classes. For beginners, Elaina suggests the books of Sanaya Roman.
- Awareness: observe what environments seem to be “too much” and avoid them, go there at a better time, or come home and clear yourself after.
- Balance and clear your chakras and energy field. Elaina has three favorite cd’s for this: Vocal Toning the Chakras (Jonathan Goldman), The Bliss of Transformation (QuietStar Band) and Journey through the Chakras (Colette Baron-Reid). Available in our store and online store.
- Come to our "Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Workshops: Due to popular demand, Robin and I have created a series of workshops for Empaths, Sensitives and Intuitives. We promise to make them fun, relaxing, and share lots of tools with you! We are very excited; we’ve been waiting to co-create a workshop together, and here it is. See Flyer for more info. Register now
Love and Light, Elaina