I love to have things to listen to that help me ground and center. I am very sensitive to sound and vibration, and love to find things that shift me quickly. Listening to and creating Sound have become tools that I am very grateful to have discovered!
Recently, I added the "Getting into the Vortex" meditation CD by Abraham-Hicks to our store, and I love it. The first night I listened to the meditation, I had this amazing dream about QuietStar's (future) retreat center. I woke up inspired and passionate (and had been feeling overwhelmed before listening). Now I listen to it every night before I go to sleep. In fact, it helps me go to sleep, which is sometimes a challenge.
Tom Kenyon's voice really resonates with me: Lightship, Songs of Magdalen and the Golden Orb all shift my energy to a vibration of love and expansion.
Other favorite sound healers: Jonathan Goldman, Sophia, Dean Evenson
Simply humming balances the "emotional body" (a layer of the auric field), and there is so much research out there about the power of toning and sound. My favorite part is that it bypasses the conscious mind and goes directly to the more primitive/unconscious parts of the brain to create balance and relaxation.
I also love to "do" sound. It connects me directly to Spirit! When I play the crystal bowls, the native flute or use my voice for toning, it brings me fully into the present as all my awareness goes into creating the sound. I started out years ago just humming to Enya, then "humming out loud" and my sound channeling developed from there. All I have to do is remember that I have this amazing tool, and USE IT when I am feeling scrambled. Now I get to "do" sound in my sessions, in classes and at our Sunday Vortex. It is truly amazing!
Tonight, I am excited that we have Jay Schwed doing a crystal bowl concert at QuietStar. I am looking forward to experiencing his great wisdom and learning so much from him! That's his picture above!